Friday, August 29, 2008

Another set back

While they were weighing Jonah yesterday, he aspirated some water or milk again. He is now back on IV fluids and will have no milk for 1-2 days. They will put a new tube in him on Tuesday which will send the fluid directly to his intestines and bypass his stomach which will keep him from aspirating. I took a picture of the wonderful plaque that I found one day while shopping. We know Jonah is Scott and Amy's miracle boy (and all of ours :) and we know that he is in God's hands through all of the ups and downs that he experiences while in the PICU.

Colossians 4:2
"Continue earnestly in prayer, being vigilant in it with thanksgiving." Please keep praying as always and thank you again.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

A Good Day!

Scott said that Jonah had a good day today and is getting fed through his tube again after a few days of only intravenous feeding. His dialysis is going well and they will start sprinting him and weaning him from the ventilator again soon. Amy has been going to work daily, getting ready for her first day of school which is tomorrow. She also drives to see Scott and Jonah after school and then back home to Thousand Oaks to sleep. Please pray for them during this big transition period as well. They are continuing to rely on God's grace and provision during this trial period in their lives. We thank God for the good days!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Decision made

Scott called back and said that after discussing the tracheotomy with Barb (Amy's mom) and brother, who are both respiratory therapists, they have decided to wait and not "ok" the procedure at this time. We are all praying that the sprinting will continue more aggressively and he will be extubated as soon as possible. God knows the condition of little Jonah and we are once again placing him in the Lord's hands. When we are weak, then He is strong and we are relying on the Great physician to help and heal Jonah. "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." 2 Corinthians 12:9 "God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble." Psalm 46:1 We will continue to pray for the Lord's will in Jonah's precious life.
Right before Scott called me I was at a store in San Luis and found a wonderful plaque that "jumped out" at me from the shelf. It says..."SUCH A BIG MIRACLE IN SUCH A LITTLE BOY." Of course I bought it right away with a big smile on my face thinking of how it will be put in Jonah's room at home. I felt such a sense of peace after the phone call from Scott that God is reassuring me that all is still ok and God is still in charge. We do have a wonderful loving Heavenly Father who cares about us and shows us His love in so many ways. Keep praying and God Bless you!
Scott has let me know that the doctors don't think he'll be able to be extubated in the next few weeks and are recommending that Jonah gets a tracheotomy put in for his breathing. This will allow them to move him around more and do more with him which would be good. Please pray for wisdom for Scott and Amy as they make this decision. The surgery procedure could be on Tuesday. Thank you all for your continued prayers.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Continue to pray!

Jonah is getting a break today from sprinting because his oxygen saturation was low and they found out that he had aspirated a bit of the fluid when he spit up. So now they are suctioning him, which they do regularly, to get the excess fluid out of his lungs. The sprinting has been going well and they are trying to sprint him for an hour 3 times a day. Eventually they will sprint him for 12 hours at a time. He actually sleeps through this so he is improving. Amy asked for prayer for him to be able to be extubated in about 3 weeks. That is our hope at this point. The dialysis is going well and they will learn all the ins and outs about the machine and be trained before Jonah can go home. Amy starts teaching next week and is getting ready and stocking up food in their home once again. Scott will begin his credential classes at night and they will have to leave Jonah at times, which I know isn't easy for them. Keep them in your prayers. By the way, Amy talked to 2 or 3 people today while at her meetings and getting ready for school, who said they are praying for her and family. She was very blessed to know that so many are holding them up in prayer.... people who she doesn't know. Once again.. thank you so much.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Jonah's miracle story continues!

We had a great visit with Jonah, Scott and Amy this past weekend. We celebrated Scott's birthday (Aug. 15th), Jonah's 3 month and Brad's which was Aug. 13th. We are so happy to inform you of Jonah's continued improvement. He is on the dialysis machine 24 hours a day. They hope to have him down to about 14 hours a day when they take him home. This will be quite a while but he is moving forward. They are "sprinting" him 3-4 times daily and it is going well. His blood pressure has been good and we're looking forward to the day in the near future when he will be extubated and then we will really see his smiles. Keep those prayers for the family coming! We are seeing the results! Thank you and God Bless you all!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

3 Month B-day

Scott and Amy Here:
We are overjoyed that Jonah has hit the three month mark in his life. God is so good and is strengthening Jonah everyday. Today they put Jonah on the dialysis machine, which means if he does well on it they can start cutting back on the amount of hours he has to do dialysis a day. Once he only has to be on dialysis for around 14 hours a day we can take him home and do dialysis at home during the night. They are sprinting Jonah on the ventilator three times a day to help him exercise his lungs. Our prayer is that he will soon be off the ventilator. We are very hopeful, and know we have a ways to go. Thank you for responding to the Holy Spirit's leadings to pray for Jonah. Please pray for Robynn and her battle, the Goodell's and extended family in their time of grief for Robynn's Aunt and Uncle going to be with Jesus. May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with us all.

Amy & Scott Goodman


Happy Birthday Jonah!

Jonah is 3 months old today! My 5 and 3 year old girls were at the park today and made a happy birthday cake out of sand for their 3 month old cousin Jonah! Happy 3 months Jonah we love and want to come visit you soon!!! Love, Aunt Amanda, Uncle Jason, Calli, Bella, and Evann

Monday, August 11, 2008

Continued improvement!

I spoke with Amy today and she said they are "sprinting" Jonah everyday lately to work his muscles and make him stronger. Right now he is on a manual dialysis program but will soon be on a dialysis machine. When this takes place they will work on getting him off the ventilator. They are getting enough fluid off of him now so his blood pressure is being regulated by the medications. This is a praise report because about a week ago he was on fuid overload which is why his b.p. was up and he had to go on hemodialysis.

Jonah has a play therapist (besides Scott and Amy :) who comes in daily and reads to him and plays with him. Amy said she will send me a picture soon of Jonah sleeping with his hands folded and he looks like he is praying. I can't wait to see it!

Sheila asked how we can pray for Scott and Amy so I will give you some suggestions. Amy will be starting back to school on the 25th to teach at a new school and a new grade this year. Pray for her and the transition to a new job and leaving Jonah each day. She has been given extra sick days by friends/teachers in her district and is hoping that she may be able to use them at her new school, possibly on Fridays so she can spend more time with Jonah. She will be traveling from Thousand Oaks to UCLA each day after school to spend time with him. Pray also that God will open a door for Scott to finish his credential easily and be able to teach the next year. He also needs to work at night or during the day and be able to attend his classes which are from 5-10 at night. Of course, their main priority is still spending time with Jonah. We know that "God works all things together for good to those who love Him and are called according to His purpose." Romans 8:28

So, once again, thank you for your prayers and comments and thoughts and friendship and love. Please remember to pray for Robynn and her family. They are in need of much prayer at this time. You can follow her story at www.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Oh what beautiful eyes!

What a huge smile this picture brought to my face when I got it via text from Scott! He is so darling and just imagine how he will look when he is extubated and we can see his whole face! They "sprinted" him yesterday for about 15 minutes and it went very well! Basically, this means they reduce the pressure and let him breathe more on his own. They will continue to do this daily a few times a day to strenthen his diaphram before they take the tube out. I'm not sure for how long, but this is a great step forward to seeing him free of the breathing tube. Scott said his oxygen saturation was good while they did this. It's an answer to prayer again! Please continue to pray for this procedure to strengthen him and soon we will see his whole sweet face. He hasn't had to have the hemodialysis for about 5 days and his blood pressure has been under control.. Yay! and thank you, thank you for your prayers and thank God for His love and care for little Jonah!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Moving along!

I spoke with Scott and he said that Jonah is doing well today. He had the hemodialysis last night quite late but it was successful and they got off the fluid which lowers his blood pressure. He is doing fine today and things are looking good. Scott told Alyse the other day that when he walked in one morning and looked down on Jonah, Jonah gave him a big smile. You can imagine how that made this proud daddy feel! We'll take the little gifts and blessings that come our way anytime! For some reason the buddymapping isn't working right now. It's great to see your comments and areas you live in, so please keep checking to see when it's back up and running again.
"Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows." James 1:17

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Jonah has a new home!

We went to see Jonah and family yesterday and they were in the process of moving him to the PICU. The room is much bigger and more comfy for Scott and Amy. This is a step forward but we are all sad to say good-bye to the nurses who have been faithfully, tenderly, giving Jonah such wonderful care. I'm sure Jonah will steal the hearts of the new nurses quickly. Please continue to pray that he will be extubated soon but at the correct time for him. He still has hemodialysis every other day or so to help with his high blood pressure. We are also hoping for this to be controlled with the meds and God's healing touch. He is as darling as ever! Keep your faithful prayers coming... Thank you!