Saturday, July 19, 2008

Wonderful Parents!

We had a good visit today with Jonah, Scott and Amy. Jonah looks better than he did last week and he was awake a good part of the day. He is struggling with high blood pressure and is now on 3 or 4 different medications for this. Please pray for this situation and that his blood pressure would decrease and he wouldn't need as many meds. Scott was reading the bible to him (and himself, I'm sure) and Jonah seemed to enjoy hearing his daddy's voice. Amy is reading him a Spanish/English picture book and after about the fifth word, he gives her a big yawn, closes his eyes and goes off to sleep. :) He may be bi-lingual by the time he is one year old....They are such loving and attentive parents to their baby boy! Wow, he continues to amaze us with his sweet personality. The nurse and respiratory therapist said today that he really recovers quickly and settles back down after any procedure. He is such a sweet baby! Thank you for your prayers. Please keep them coming. New pictures to follow.. Nancy


Jim said...

im praying

be strong

Anonymous said...

I am Kelly Kosefeski from "army Goodell". Have been keeping up with Jonah's blog and keeping you in my prayers.