Friday, August 8, 2008

Oh what beautiful eyes!

What a huge smile this picture brought to my face when I got it via text from Scott! He is so darling and just imagine how he will look when he is extubated and we can see his whole face! They "sprinted" him yesterday for about 15 minutes and it went very well! Basically, this means they reduce the pressure and let him breathe more on his own. They will continue to do this daily a few times a day to strenthen his diaphram before they take the tube out. I'm not sure for how long, but this is a great step forward to seeing him free of the breathing tube. Scott said his oxygen saturation was good while they did this. It's an answer to prayer again! Please continue to pray for this procedure to strengthen him and soon we will see his whole sweet face. He hasn't had to have the hemodialysis for about 5 days and his blood pressure has been under control.. Yay! and thank you, thank you for your prayers and thank God for His love and care for little Jonah!


TerBear said...

Yes, those beautiful eyes! I'm happy that "Daddy" got a big smile the other day. It's wonderful hearing about Jonah's gradual progress. He is definitely a miracle baby!

He and Charlie make cute companions. :-)

Hugs and blessings to all your family,

Anonymous said...

Just Hi to the three of you and to let you know I'm still here with you. You too Nana Nan! Love, Pen

Anonymous said...

Hello Goodman family,
Jonah is such a precious baby. What a blessing he is. All of you have been in my thoughts daily.
Lots of love,
Laura Guerra