Thursday, May 15, 2008

Baby Jonah

This is Amanda Moore the proud aunt of my new nephew Jonah Scott Goodman. I wanted to create this site to update all who have been praying for Scott, Amy, and baby Jonah Goodman.

Jonah was born C-section on May 14, 2008 at 11:04 am and weighed 6 lbs 6 oz. He came out with some cries and some urine. This was a praise! Jonah was diagnosed with Polycystic Kidney Disease about 3 weeks ago and doctors said it was fatal and most likely he wouldn't survive birth. He is now over a day old! He was transported to the UCLA hospital and is in the NICU in good hands. Please pray for his lungs that he can eventually be able to breathe without the ventilator. Scott and Amy are trusting the Lord and thankful for everyone's prayers and support. I will update when we get new info.


Anonymous said...

Thank you Amanda for setting this site up....I am sure a lot of people will be very appreciative. We all need to keep praying for Jonah the "miracle baby"...All things are possible...from Grandfather "Papa" Brad.

Anonymous said...

The LORD is SO GOOD! Luv, Amy

Anonymous said...

As I write, Johan is in need of ugent prayers. I was just told that their has been a turn. All of us are so thankful for your prayers,please continue.
Grand Uncle Clay

Anonymous said...

Lorraine said,
The Lord heals! And He often does it in response to prayers for healing. Never underestimate the power of prayer!

Anonymous said...

Jonah is stable now. There will be ups and downs but Jonah is "The Miracle Child" and is in God's Hands.

Anonymous said...

My prayer: Take me, Lord. Spare this child.

Anonymous said...

Amy and Scott, you and baby Jonah are in my prayers continuously along with the rest of your family. Jonah is blessed to be surrounded by so much love. Thanks so much Amanda for the updates and the pictures - I'm so appreciative.
Love, Penny

Anonymous said...

WOW!!! How beautiful. I feel the holy spirit at its best. FAITH has brought me through many trials in my walk through lifes journey. God gave me my baby miracle and my own life miracle. I have FAITH for Jonah and his wonderful family.
Kathryn Rose
Caregiver for Paula Jean Goodman
My Love to all

Anonymous said...

Jonah's story in the bible teaches us the willingness of spirt, gratitude, compassion and God’s patience and mercy. Jonah, you have so much love and support from your family and friends. Stay strong.