Monday, May 19, 2008

A Good Day

This is Nancy, Scott's mom and Jonah's gramma (Nana). I Have been here with the family since Wed. May 14th when Jonah joined us. It's has been a bit of a roller coaster ride, but we are truly learning to trust God and not pay attention to the numbers and so many machines all around him. This has been a wonderful day and we are enjoying the blessings!! Jonah was able to get on a conventional ventilator and to the 2 or 3 Doctors "jaw-dropping" amazement his blood pressure went down instead of up when the change was made. One Doctor who has been looking after Jonah continued to come over and double check the numbers. We are so thankful to the Lord for this wonderful change. I was also able to view an ex-ray tonight before I left and it was such an amazing improvement since the first one I looked at on May 14th. His left lung, which was not working is now looking like his right lung!! And so it goes.....I know that the Lord is the great physician and He can do whatever He wills, but we will continue to ask, seek and knock on Jonah's behalf. Thank you all so much for your words of encouragement and prayers for our little blessing, Jonah. Scott and Amy are amazing parents already and we all feel the power of your prayers in the NICU (Neonatal intensive care unit). The nurses are asking to be with Jonah on their shifts. They all are falling in love with this little one.


Anonymous said...

Wonderful news! We will continue to pray strongly on behalf of Jonah.

What a wonderful testimony your family has been! Like nothing else, the trials in life reveal the character of the ones going though the trials. You all have shown forth as gold in the midst of this 'fire.' What an incredible example to all those watching around. What a testimony to Christ and His power working in an through you! May many be drawn closer to Him by the life of this little one.

Anonymous said...

Nan, Jonah is a true blessing to us all that are watching and praying for him. Your family has been a an amazing model of trust and faith. This is one very special little boy and he has one very special family!

Anonymous said...

This morning the first thing I wanted to do was check in on Jonah, and the good news brings tears of joy and gratitude for what God is doing. I am praying especially for EVERYONE (family, friends, doctors, nurses) who is right there with Jonah. I pray for peace for those who know the Lord, and for a mighty drawing to the Lord for those who don't...all because of little Jonah!

Anonymous said...

Thank you God for Jonah's life.I will always praise God for every moment he is here with us, and trust in him for his future.
Grandma Barbara

chiefrev said...

"No one will be able to stand up against you all the days of your life. As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you.
Be strong and courageous, because you will lead these people to inherit the land I swore to their forefathers to give them. Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go."
Josh 1:5-7 (NIV)

What a blessing it has been for me to be a little part of this exciting miracle. Nothing is impossible with God and my prayer is not only for Jonah, but for Scott, Amy, all family members, doctors and staff that God would keep you strong and courageous and that He will take you into the promised land.

Gary Elliott

Anonymous said...

Brad and Nancy...Clay has kept posted on wonderful, little Jonah...miracles do happen...our thoughts and prayers are with you, Scott, Amy and of course, little Jonah...

Mike and Geri Rainey

Matt Larson said...

We're praying for you guys and for Jonah.

Anonymous said...

Praise God for such wonderful news! Our prayers continue to be with Jonah, Scott and Amy. We pray for more blessings to come your way, but the blessings are flowing out as I see God is in control of baby Jonah.

Anonymous said...

Scott, Amy, and family,
I am praying for you and for little Jonah.
Ps. 139:15-16 "When You[God] were putting me together there [in my mother's womb], Your eyes saw my body even before it was formed." Jonah is in the hands of our powerful God who created him! I can't wait to meet your little guy!
Please allow me to serve you in any way I can.
Rhonda Cattley, Director of Disability Ministry, EV Free Church, NP