Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Successful Procedure

Jonah had the surgery today to put the tube in that will send the milk directly to his intestines, so he will not aspirate anymore. The procedure went well and the doctor said it was a 'miracle' he got it in. They said they will start him on breast milk tonight again. We are so thankful for yet another step forward for Jonah. Continue to pray that he will be able to breathe on his own as this will be a huge step in his healing process. You can lift up Amy this week as she has caught a cold after her first week back at school. Saturday we got to visit Jonah, Scott, and Amy and it was so great to see him and his little smiles! Thank you all for continuing to pray for my sweet nephew and his parents. love, aunt amanda


Anonymous said...

Scott and Amy,

I'm so glad that the surgery went well. I am not surprised that the doctor noted another miracle - it's what Jonah is all about! I will continue prayers for his breathing and continued progress towards going home. Prayers for your cold too, Amy and love to all three of you.


Anonymous said...

Sending you positive thoughts and internet hugs for your little one. I'm also a teacher and can't imagine trying to do all that you are doing PLUS teach. You're amazing and I look forward to reading about more miracles for little Jonah!

Anonymous said...

Love and blessings to you--Jonah, Scott and Amy. You all are in our hearts and our thoughts each day. I so love seeing li Jonah's sweet face in the pictures. Strength to you, especially Amy. Much love from, Ali and family

Veronica said...

I love that the Lord sometimes uses medical technology to HEAL & that we can still give the credit directly to him! No matter how the Lord chooses to heal Jonas body, we know it is by the His hand!!!!