Tuesday, September 16, 2008

tracheotomy on Friday

Scott and Amy have decided that Jonah will go ahead and have a tracheotomy this Friday. Please pray for this procedure to go well with no complications. This will allow Jonah to be free of the ventilator in his mouth and down his throat and we will see his sweet face. He will also be able to taste and start feeding through a bottle and will have more mobility. Scott and Amy will be able to hold him close to them. He has been gaining weight because he is getting more food through the tube to his intestines. It all sounds so complicated with so many different tubes and lines, but the good news is that he is doing ok and progressing. We are hopeful that this will be a good step in the right direction for him. He is 4 months old as of the 14th and we are so happy that he is here with us and growing. We look forward to what God has in store for little Jonah. Keep up your good work of prayers for Jonah, Scott and Amy.


Mackenzie said...

thank you nancy & amanda for all of the updates. we are praying for Jonah & Scott and Amy too, and will be thinking of him especially on Friday.

JIm & Kenz

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a big day Friday! We will be thinking of all of you and looking forward to new pix of Jonah AND of you getting to hold him even closer - nothing beats that!

:) The Funk Family
West Sacramento :)

Anonymous said...

luv & prayers! miss u guys! blessings for Fri! ap

Anonymous said...

Sending love to Jonah and lots of prayers for Friday.


Anonymous said...

Praying for you big time...Spiveys