Friday, October 3, 2008

Surgery is over

Jonah's surgery is over and the catheter has been removed. He is already waking up and coming out of the anethesia. Scott said it went well and he made it through fine. The next step will be tomorrow most likely, when they will hook him up to the hemodialysis machine again. Hopefully they will use the site which is already there and won't have to insert another tube/line into him. He will be on this each day for 2-4 hours a day because it is not as comfortable as the peritoneal dialysis. That's the latest until next time. Still praying with much hope for the future,


Anonymous said...

There are SO many people lifting Jonah up!!!! Don't forget how loved you ALL are! God is with you & sustaining you, before, behind... on all sides! Love, ap

Anonymous said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you all. You are all such an amazingly strong and beautiful and family and Jonah was truly blessed to be born to such wonderful parents, like Scott and Amy. I must say that Jonah has been one of my favorite patients that I have ever cared for in the NICU,in part due to the committment and love surrounding him. And also, of course, because he is so adorable!! Much love to everyone..


Anonymous said...

I just want to reach right into the computer and squeeze those succulent little cheeks....what a cutie pie!!!! (army Goodell)